Cedarock Park  

 "Preserving Our Heritage Festival"

The Burlington Checker Club participated in the Alamance Co. Cedarock Park - "Preserving Our Heritage Festival" 
Saturday, August 28th, 2010  9am - 5pm

Good Attendance - Everyone enjoy this fun, family-friendly event.

We were set-up early this year and again beside the Alamance County Beekeepers and I help them also setup.  The weather was great, just a nice summer day with a good festival crowd attendance. This year the feature band was Buttermilk Creek, who played bluegrass and gospel.  This year there was a gospel group there also.  Plenty of events and attractions exhibitors, about the same as last year.  We got a number to youth who play checker and showed interest in our club, checker events, and tournaments.  Hopefully we will keep them involved and playing checkers.  Bobby Gerringer joined us this year.  We played GAYP, 3-move, and 11- Man.  Although Mike Ross left around 5 pm since he needed to get his bees home, the checker group continued playing until dark.  I think everyone had a wonderful time.

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2010 Tournament Dates  |  2009 Burlington Checker Club & Festival Pictures